Persistent Pain in Children

Persistent Pain in Children


1. Paediatric Musculoskeletal Assessment

Learning outcomes:
Understand why it is important to adapt your musculoskeletal physiotherapy assessment for children and adolescents
Identify the key differences in a musculoskeletal assessment of a child and adolescent in comparison to adults
To improve your paediatric musculoskeletal  assessment with top tips for clinical practice.

2. Persistent Pain in Children

Learning outcomes:
Understand the current epidemiology of persistent pain affecting children and young people.
Outline the findings of a recent qualitative study
Apply the take home messages into your own clinical practice

3. Using a solution-focused approach within physiotherapy for young people experiencing persistent pain

Learning outcomes:
To be able to explain what a solution-focused approach is.
To be able to outline the different elements of a solution-focused approach and the differences in comparison to a problem-based approach.
To be able to reflect on your own physiotherapy practice and consider whose agenda you prioritise.  

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