Words Matter- choosing words wisely with back pain: how to help and not harm


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PUBLISERT 29.04.2020

Words Matter- choosing words wisely with back pain: how to help and not harm: Words Matter- choosing words wisely with back pain: how to help and not harm

Many of the theories utilised in manual/musculoskeletal therapy are underpinned by biomechanical and biomedical assumptions regarding pain and disability, and it can be challenging (and confusing) for practitioners to integrate these models with a contemporary evidence-informed biopsychosocial approach

This lecture will:

· Review the application of the BPS model to the management of low back pain.

· Review theoretical and research literature on psychological factors relevant to back pain (eg fear-avoidance, pain-related fear, catastrophising, self-efficacy, pain beliefs), and how language can influence these.

· Highlight the importance of language when interacting with patients and provide strategies to use purposeful language to frame manual/physical assessment and treatment.

· Critically evaluate how explanations can negatively or positively impact the multidimensional nature of back pain and recovery.

· Introduce strategies to communicate helpful messages regarding low back pain which can contribute to enhanced patient engagement, confidence and recovery.


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