The neck course

The neck course

This course contains an overview on all things you need to know about neck pain treatment.


This course is a collection of important topics that any therapist needs to have an overwiev of. In 14 chapters Sigbjørn Hjorthaug takes you through a very exciting and entertaining collection of topics ranging from pain science, to "hands on" and taping, from surgery to Cognitive Functional Therapy. A truly entertaining three hours that everyone should watch.

- Which "Red flags" should you always check for?
- When is radiology advised?
- What test should you do and how do you treat your findings?


Learning objectives

> You should be able to identify red flags in patients with neck pain. 

> You should be able to identify different movement patterns in the neck, and know some ways to approach these patterns.

> You should be able to address relevant neck muscles with proper exercises.

> You should be able to define Cognitive Functional Therapy, and describe some effects of this approach. 

> You should be able to describe symptoms for whiplash, and headache.

> You should be able to discuss the use of "hands on"-treatment, radiology, and surgery on neck patients.

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