Movement for Movement

Movement for Movement

This lecture provides a case for change regarding the prevention and treatment of noncommunicable diseases, across the life-course, via physical activity, exercise and physiotherapy.


This lecture provides a case for change regarding the prevention and treatment of noncommunicable diseases, across the life-course, via physical activity, exercise and physiotherapy. It takes an 'at scale' approach to implementation of change on the way that health care professionals engage on physical activity, inactivity and disease self management. The objectives of the presentation are to;  

  1. Improved Knowledge on the basics of physical activity recommendations and the importance of making every contact count
  2. Develop Greater Leadership skills in regards to simple and complex interventions to increase physical activity in patients and populations
  3. Become Change makers in regards to implementation skills and patient/population outcomes
  4. Keep your leadership simple and effective!
  5. Winning hearts and minds…

The resource is well referenced for further study. 

Please see the recent 3018 WHO Global Action Plan for Physical Activity: and please follow @exerciseworks for all things physical activity, physical inactivity, #MovementforMovement, exercise and health.


For academic access to the full set of #MovementForMovement undergraduate resources contact



Episode . Run time 43:35

Movement For Movement

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