Subacromial impingement syndrome: Is it time to finally abandon the term?


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PUBLISERT 17.07.2020

Subacromial impingement syndrome: Is it time to finally abandon the term? Subacromial impingement syndrome: Is it time to finally abandon the term?

Learning points of lecture:

  • Understand that pain is far more than the state of the peripheral tissue
  • Learn why the term subacromial impingement is being increasingly challenged
  • Learn why the current best evidence does not support subacromial impingement as the primary cause of rotator cuff pathology
  • Understand the role affective factors have on clinical outcomes for shoulder pain
  • Tips on what we should now call subacromial impingement
  • Learn how the term “impingement” may be harmful to a patient
  • Understand how subacromial impingement can lead to an exaggerated focus on structural factors

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