Hamstring exercise selection for injury prevention


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PUBLISERT 11.08.2019

Hamstring exercise selection for injury prevention Hamstring exercise selection for injury prevention

This presentation focussed on highlighting considerations for hamstring exercise selection for injury prevention practices. The key points from this presentation are:

* When programming for hamstring injury prevention, the question shouldn’t be what is the best exercise, but what is the adaptation I want to achieve?

* Then you have a range of exercises to choose from base upon your goal.

* Each of these exercises will have a different benefit than the other, with not one being the best.

* The range of variables that need to be considered when selecting a hamstring injury prevention exercise are large and include items such as: exercise contraction mode, activation profile, range of excursion.

* Furthermore programming these exercises creates more questions around the volume, intensity, frequency, velocity and laterality.

This presentation then works through a range of these variables, providing evidence to help guide you towards determining the best exercise for your determined adaptation.

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