Clinical Reasoning


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PUBLISERT 13.12.2019

Clinically Useful Clinical Reasoning Clinical Reasoning

Course Title: Clinically Useful Clinical Reasoning

Course Description: This course addresses four areas of higher order thinking:

(1) Balancing System I and System II Thinking Processes;

(2) Targeting care that actually matters to health outcomes;

(3) Navigating the unexplained and unknown; and

(4) Recognizing the consequences of what you do (and what you don’t do). These areas are designed to improve decision making for individuals who are new to seasoned clinicians; not early learners.


Course Objectives: By the end of the course, learners will:

1. Understand the definition of higher order thinking

2. Recognize the balance between system 1 and system 2 learning

3. Compare and contrast interventions that influence outcomes the most

4. Recognize that ambiguity is normal in rehabilitation management

5. Analyze the concepts of medicalization and overdiagnosis.

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