ACL tear non-surgical management: Practical Tutorial Trailer
PUBLISERT 01.02.2022

ACL tear non-surgical management: Practical Tutorial ACL tear non-surgical management: Practical Tutorial Trailer

In this lecture, Kieran outlines evidence-informed, clinically relevant strategies you can use as a clinician when you first assess a patient with an ACL tear, all the way through to prevention post return-to-sport without surgery.

With a mix of interactive lecture and patient video demonstrations, Kieran reveals a straight-forward, yet modern and comprehensive approach to managing patients with full thickness ACL ruptures with rehabilitation alone.

  • Risk/Benefits of non-surgical and surgical ACL tear management
  • Questions to empower patients with
  • Benefits of using a Treatment Plan
  • Practical strategies for the initial consultation
  • 3 key phases of rehabilitation and associated exercises
  • Benefits of booster sessions 

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