
Jonas Thorlund

Jonas Bloch Thorlund is employed as Professor of Musculoskeletal Health and is head of the Research Unit for Musculoskeletal Function and Physiotherapy at the Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark (SDU). He is also affiliated to the Research Unit for General Practice at the Department of Public Health (SDU).

A substantial part of Prof. Thorlunds research has been focused on evidence-based management of patients with meniscal tears. He is the principal investigator of Knee Arthroscopy Cohort Southern Denmark (KACS), which aimed to investigate the natural time course of patient perceived pain and function after meniscectomy with particular focus on the dependence of the different types of meniscus tears.

In 2015, he was the lead author on a systematic review and meta-analysis published in the BMJ, on synthesizing the evidence on treatment of middle-aged and older patients with meniscal tears. More recently, he was the senior investigator on the DREAM trial, which was the first study to compare a surgical vs a non-surgical treatment strategy for young patients with meniscal tears (published in 2022 in NEJM Evid).

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Meniscal Tears

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